Camp Kitchen
( number of products: 1090 )Food preparation is a very important point of every camping, hiking and expedition. In you will find comprehensive equipment for cooking in field conditions. An indispensable supply of water on every trip will be provided by your reliable nalgene bottles or Klean Kanteen or collapsible, ultralight behemoths and hydrapak bottles. A favorite mug is a staple of every tourist. With us you will find lightweight folding wildo mugs, gSI Glacier stainless steel mugs and GSI enamel mugs. You can use the following to boil water on a campfire or survival stove eagle Products kettles, and you can prepare delicious coffee in the perkomax percolator from Petromax. For lovers of durable and comprehensive solutions, we recommend kelly Kettle Ultimate kit, which allows you to prepare hot drinks and cook food. Campfire cookware is our forte. Wide selection petromax cast iron kettles, muurikka pans and campfire pots will allow you to cook meals for a large group of people.

Bottle Kid Klean Kanteen Classic (mit Sport Cap) 355ml Hawaian Ocean